Sunday, May 6, 2007

My ongoing investment for those horny 72 hories.

I fancy myself (no, not "that" kind of fancy) as Allah's personal soldier. Fighting the enemies of Islam (read: Christian fuckers) on the net.

As a soldier in a battlefield, it is only right that I arm myself with enough armory, yes? Since this is a cyber space war zone, the most important equipment is?, Yes, you guessed it right! (or did you?) It's domain baby. domains!!! Not one, not two, but many. As much as possible. Only with my own domain, my own space can I post lies, idiotic "findings" and utter nonsenses about the Christians, the Hindus, Buddhist, Atheists, Muslims (oh yeah, you liberal bastards, don't think you are not in my list!) and everyone else. It is very important to have own domain names you know. It gives your mission an image of importance. It makes people understand that you mean business. Not to mention the sellable ad space. YEah, I am sort of saving to own that bushy "thing" the halal way.So, money (USDee only please), as it is, is the important "factor" in my fight for the Khalifate!

Anyway, I have alot of domains to fight the Christian fuckers: Ittaqullah, Jundullah, Noorullah, Bismikallah. Not enough. I have a lot of things to write about the missionaries. Plus, it looks like payperpost is having more and more ad op these days. So, maybe I need to ad anoher one to my ever expanding stable?

I was thinking of a suitable domain when suddenly it came flashing in my head. Oh yeah! This domain will describe my relationship with Allah, the best way. Why didn't I thought about it earlier? Well, better late than never, eh?

Kalbullah. Allah's dog. Yeah. God's own Dog, I am. Loyal, faithful, humble to God and a fucking bitch to everyone else. Kalbullah. Me. Or maybe I should go a bit cryptic and buy Err, maybe I should by bot. More PPP!!!


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butuh apai dik...


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